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Let's Spring Clean - Stephanie Way

Any of you try to deep clean or Spring Clean your house this time of year? I love to have a good deep cleaning a couple times each year, but I don’t always enjoy the things I have to do to get there! I know I’m going to find cobwebs, creepy crawly things at times, built up dust, corners that have been neglected, and let’s not talk about the closet spaces that need some TLC! A deep clean also includes those basic daily or weekly cleaning tasks that we do. With my family of five there’s lots of weekly chores that must be tackled! I have to clean laundry, more laundry, did I say laundry, bathtubs, toilets, dusting, dishes, floors, and so much more. All of this is my “job”! Do I always enjoy this work? No, not always! Sometimes it’s overwhelming, frustrating, and I cannot figure out how it gets so bad, but it must be done! 

Just as we need to clean our homes, we need to keep our “temples” clean! The Bible says, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19.

Our bodies/temples need to be cleaned often from the inside out just as our homes need to be cleaned from the inside out! Let’s look at some practical cleaning tips for our cleaning routines!

Psalms 51:10 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me.”  In order to have a clean house it takes time, devotion, and products! In order to get a clean heart and right spirit it takes time, devotion, and products! 

First, time and devotion are the two most important parts of this cleaning equation! This part is completely up to you! How clean do you want your Temple? If you are not willing to devote your time, energy, and heart to the task, then maybe stop reading here! If you are willing, then let’s continue! 

I can give you what I use to keep myself clean, but as with other things in life, you must find what works for you! You see, our homes and temples are all different! You must come up with your own routine and “products”! Take what I can give you and add to it, or take away from it as you see fit for you!

Here’s my “house cleaning tips”:

  1. Clean top to bottom, and inside out. When I clean house I don’t want to vacuum the floors and then proceed to remove dust from the ceiling fans! If your fans are like mine it might snow dust when the time comes to clean them! So, I need to start at the highest place and work my way down! Fans, high shelves, walls, window seals, etc. all the way to the floor. 

In my Temple I need to work from the inside out! How’s your heart? We need to DAILY confess our sins! We need to purge ourselves of all those things that keep us from being close to our Heavenly Father! When we neglect this daily time of cleaning then all the dirt will build up! It’s so much harder to clean that thick built up scum than it is to do a daily clean!

  1. Move the furniture, check in corners, open those closet doors, and remember the junk drawer! These all have hidden dirt, dust, and even creepy crawlies like spiders! 

We need to take time to look around in every area of our lives for those hidden sins! You know what I’m talking about. Those thoughts you shouldn’t have had, that tv show or movie you knew you shouldn’t have watched, the time you ignored the Holy Spirit about handing someone a tract because you didn’t have time, or even that time with the Father you gave up for something else! Let’s not just do a basic cleaning so that we look good! Let’s do a deep clean so that our Temple’s are sanitized of all the world!

  1. Use your products the correct way! Have you ever read the directions on your cleaner of choice? Some products we clean with have to sit for a specific amount of time in order to be effective! Some products are meant for specific materials! I don’t want to use a floor cleaner on granite counter tops! I need to use the product that is for the granite! 

Let’s make sure we are using the right “Products” to keep our Temples clean! The King James Bible is your most important product! In this wonderful book you will find all the tools you need to keep your life clean, on track, and walking the right direction with our Heavenly Father! This book only gets better with time! It never expires, goes out of date, or goes bad! It’s imperative that you use it DAILY in order for it to have the best effects on your Temple! It gets stronger with each use!

Prayer is part of this product line up that cannot be forgotten! This will sweep out any dirt and keep you spruced up! Prayer is just communication with our Father! We cannot neglect this part of our relationship!

Church attendance is a must as well! We need to hear Bible preaching! We need to have that sweet fellowship with other believers! 

All three of these “Products” are important! They will only strengthen each other! They work well together, and if we leave one out they will not be as effective! 

When we do all of these steps for our Temple cleanings it will leave us with that clean, welcoming, and refreshing Temple! I’m sure there are many more tips and tricks that could be included, but this is a great start to a basic deep clean! We all know that we feel better when the house is clean! How much better will we feel if the Temple is clean too! Let’s get to cleaning ladies!