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Facts, Feeling, Faith and the Future - Zana Reichen

A young lady came to me upset over a health problem which caused her loss of energy, frequent pain, and feelings of defeat.  In addition, she did not have money to take final exams, and she is to have surgery when she returns to her home state this summer. She wanted to feel better, have money for finals, have money for surgery, was fearful of surgery, and wanted to know where money would come from in the fall for school—and wanted all these answers now!  I wanted to say, “Whoa! Slow this horse down, woman!”  Knowing her health situation, I suspicioned that her particular physical problem was playing a part in her mental and emotional well-being.

Ladies, may I meddle for a moment?  If you seem to be emotional frequently and you cannot remember the last time you visited a physician, it is very possible that instead of being a backslidden Christian, (as many women conclude they are due to how they feel) but perhaps you have a physical problem or chemical imbalance that is affecting you emotionally, and could be easily remedied.  Would you please consider visiting a physician?

Back to our college girl we’ll call Jane.  I told Jane that the only concern right now is feeling better and getting her school bill paid so she can take final exams. She responded fearfully, “But what about my surgery this summer?  And finances to come back in the fall?” to which I answered, “One step at a time.” (Is the voice of Marlene Evans ringing in your ears like it was mine?)  Then I encouraged her to look at the facts that must be dealt with right now.  

Fact 1:  She feels lousy physically

Fact 2:  No money for the school bill  

I suggested that she get plenty of rest, eat and medicate herself according to her doctor.  Then, we discussed options regarding fact # 2, which she would discuss with her pastor the next day and make a decision with his guidance.

1. FACTS - Dr. Evans has taught me, “Facts are stubborn things.”  In other words, facts are unchanging and concrete, no matter how you feel about them.  Dr. Evans also says, “I don’t worry about things that I cannot control,” and he says it so matter-of-factly as I look at him thinking to myself, “Well, don’t you worry just a little?” (Proof that I’m female!)  Coupled with the thought, “I want to have that attitude.”

2. FEELINGS - Talking with that young lady reminded me how often our words, actions, and decisions are directed by our feelings.  Here’s a familiar example: You have shopped at a place of business for years with good results and one day you have a bad experience there, get angry, and decide to “never shop there again!”  We’ve all been there haven’t we?  Several days later you calm down, have a need, and find yourself driving back to that old faithful store.  The fact is that that store has been beneficial to you and your family for many years.  Feelings, though important and vital in a lot of areas of our lives, can easily mask the facts and our feelings end up controlling us.  Again, ladies, a lot of our emotional moments could be due to physical problems that if dealt with we could feel better about life!   Just when I think I have mastered this feeling/fact thing, I fall into that pit of “Feelings” again and make unwise decisions.  It is a constant watch for me. 

3. FAITH - The young lady felt overwhelmed and defeated.  I told her that it is very normal for her to feel that way when one has a physical illness. I began quoting God’s promises to her—

Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”   God’s FACT to be taken by FAITH!

Philippians 4:6 – “Be careful (anxious—a “feelings” word!) for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.”  God’s FACT to be taken by FAITH!

Like the young lady had, most of you have a godly counselor in your life or you have access to one.  During those times when our feelings, facts, and faith are misplaced, godly counselors are a safety net.  God says about counselors…

Proverbs 11:14 “Where no counsel is the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”  -- Another fact from God that we must accept by faith and in practicing this truth we will feel better!

During times of feeling overwhelmed, fearful, and insecure it is very easy for our feelings to kick into gear and to make decisions based on our feelings.   I remember one of these times for me when God placed a very dear lady counselor in my path that said, “Zana, you will get through this.”  And she quoted Scripture to me and reassuring truths over and over until I began to believe her.  Receiving godly counsel from a lady of faith gave me the feeling that things would be all right. Ladies, let me point out that feelings do not make us inferior creatures.  This is how the Lord made us.  Here is my own little observation--Isn’t it interesting that when we apply faith in God and His promises, that we feel better?  It’s like the Lord already knows the security we will feel when we trust Him.  I remember another time of doubt when I was determined to let God’s Word soothe me and I made up a melody to Isaiah 26:3a and Philippians 4:6 and kept singing it over and over to myself out loud and had faith that God would calm me, which He did!   My faith in God’s Word helped me feel better! 

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.  Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”

4. The FUTURE- What will happen anyway--but how we handle the facts and feelings, and apply faith in God will help us arrive at God’s planned destination in our best state possible.

Facts – Truth or data that is concrete and unchanging

Feelings – Inhabits the physiology of every female but can sometimes mask the facts and                   cause us to not have faith in God

Faith – Trusting that God is in control no matter what the facts are and no matter how we feel

Future – The end result of facts, feelings, and faith in God all placed in their proper perspectives

Don’t be afraid to counsel with your pastor or another godly lady who is levelheaded during your times of “unlevel-headedness.”  Claiming God’s promises of, “I can do all things through Christ,” coupled with godly counseling, “…in a multitude of counselors there is safety;” you can get through this!

Facts, feelings, faith, and the future—Four seemingly dreadful words that if perceived and handled properly, can become four of our best friends.