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Be Still - Brenda Rogers

How many times have we been told, or we have told others to "Be still," "Be quiet," "Sit still," "Pay attention"? A child squirming, looking around and not paying attention needs to be taught to be still, listen and learn. This does not come naturally or easily.

We are all on the go, busy, have hectic schedules, need to see, do and say many things! We want our opinions expressed and we want to be heard. Many are bold, boisterous and speak more than listen.

STOP! "BE STILL!" God wants our attention! Ps. 46:10 says "Be still and know that I am God."

After several days of sudden and extreme headaches, on November 20, 2020 I lost my voice completely, totally unable to speak. Prior to that, I spoke normally and actively served the Lord in ministries going soul-winning, teaching Sunday school, singing in choir and groups, etc. My husband has been a pastor nearly 40 years and obviously I used my voice daily in many areas. Now life has changed dramatically not being able to speak as before.

It has been nearly 2 years and after extensive tests, 4 videostroboscopies, numerous specialists in many hospitals and cities, the conclusive diagnosis is the rare form of "Mixed Spasmodic Dysphonia." There is no known cause and no cure. My vocal cords are not operating properly and my words get "choked off/stuck" and as I open my mouth to speak, no sound will come out with vowels and certain other letters. Unless the Lord performs a miracle, my voice will never return till I'm in Heaven. This has been a very difficult trial and has affected my life profoundly.

After nearly 2 years of speech therapy thru several programs, I have learned to speak very slowly, almost robotic and learned to "focus on the word.". My words cannot get out as quickly as my mind is thinking them so I really have to ponder and choose words slowly and only say things that are most important. It takes a lot of effort and extra air to speak so I often get dizzy and faint while speaking. There is no speaking in a noisy room or group conversation as I won't be heard or understood unless it is quiet and the people are listening on purpose, paying attention and perhaps leaning in.

Many people, including doctors and speech therapists have asked me, "How do you cope?" with this. I am able to use this question as an opportunity to witness for the Lord as I tell them I am a Christian and the Lord gives me strength to go thru this difficult journey. I have been able to present the Gospel to many whom I never could have reached before.

I could write volumns on things I have studied and learned these past 2 years. Today, please consider - "Be still and know that I am God." Another verse which is so applicable is Ex. 15:16 - "Be as still as a stone." Stop right now and go pick up a stone. Hold the stone, stare at the stone, ponder the stone as it just sits in your hand. How still is the stone? Can we just STOP? Stop our busy lives and chatter; be as still as a stone; and be still and listen to God.

I Thess. 4:11 says, "Study to be quiet." During our quiet times with the Lord, we need to lean in, pay attention, be intent with our Bible reading, "focus on The Word," listen on purpose as the Lord speaks to us, while having no distractions with wandering minds.​