White as Snow - Lori Benefield
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;...
Isaiah 1:18
The bible says that our sins can be made as white as snow. This can only take place through the blood of Jesus. When we are saved, Jesus washes away all of our sins. Past, present, and future. We have a clean heart. Do you notice when it snows how white the snow is? Before anyone walks on it or anything touches it. And when the sun shines down on the snow it is so bright that it almost blinds you. Well, just think that when God looks on our hearts, the blood of his Son, Jesus, shines so bright that it blinds him and he cannot see all of our sin because we have been washed as white as snow.
You will notice when the snow melts, how dirty and messy and ugly the ground is. It's hard to believe that all that dirtiness lies underneath all that pretty, clean, white snow. We can't see that dirty ground when it snows. That's how God sees us as Christians. After we are saved by the washing of the blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live within our hearts. Then when God looks at us, he doesn't see the dirtiness that's in our hearts, he sees the blood of Jesus that has cleansed us and washed us as white as snow.
There is one thing that is different. The snow melts and we see the dirty, messy ground again. But the blood of Jesus that washes away our sin will never go away. It's there to stay. And every time God looks at a Christian's heart, he no longer sees the dirtiness, he sees a heart that has been washed as white as the snow. I thank God that he has took my black heart,
applied the red blood of Jesus, and washed it as white as snow. He will do the same for you!