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Unity in 2023 - Cathy Sandiford

Happy New Year!

Recently in Sunday School we have been studying about Peter when Christ asked him three times, “Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?” I have always related the three questions to the three denials of Christ that Peter spoke. It seems fitting to think that Christ gave Peter three opportunities to verbalize to Him that he did indeed love Him. 

But as we were reading, I noticed in John 21:14 that this was also “the third time that Jesus shewed himself to the disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.” So, I had to wonder is there more to why three times? 

Often the number three represents completion or unity. Unity of one in the Trinity. The finished work as Christ rose from the dead on the third day. 

The number three also means new life. Luke 22: 62 tells us after Peter denied Christ 3 times he wept bitterly. Peter is not mentioned again until after the resurrection when Mary ran to tell him the body was gone. Although he was with the disciples when Christ appeared to them twice, and he was counted as those who were “glad when they saw the Lord” he still chose to go back fishing which some believe signifies going back to his old ways. Was denying Christ three times too much for Peter to overcome by himself? Does it signify his failure in his own strength and a kind of spiritual dying within himself?

I have to wonder if Christ appearing the on the third time to the disciples and singling Peter out with the three questions, is this His way of offering that new life of hope- to Peter. Peter had been acting in his own strength which failed him immensely. Christ gave him new strength.

After this time Peter led the others boldly for Christ- never wavering. He led them in choosing the 12th disciple and then of course after they received the Holy Spirit.

This year is 2023. The third year of the 2020 decade. My study this year will be about the number three in God’s Word. The number three is referred to 467 times in the Bible so I know I will be busy and blessed!

 I want unity in my life. I want it in my family, with those whom I work, with my church, and with my friends. 

I want that new life in areas that I have been acting in my own strength. I want that renewal of Christ’s blessings. It is so easy to just fall into routine and let life just pass me by. I want to be in tune with Christ in every area. 

I also want to understand the completeness of God and what He wants me to know about how to be complete in Him.

I am excited to find what God wants me to see in this study. What “mystery, even the hidden wisdom” does God have for me “which God ordained before the world unto our glory?”  (1 Corinthians 2: 7)

Happy New Year and Happy 2023!