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The Source of Sweet Water - Patti Larson

JAMES 3:10-11

10.Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

11. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I struggle with my tongue more than anything. I tend to be a "straight shooter", like my Dad. I've often wished I was more like my Mom, whom I've seldom, if ever, heard say a cross word to anyone.

My Mom would often say to me "Patti, it's not WHAT you said, but HOW you said it." We certainly should speak truth and right, but quite often HOW we say something can make a big difference. Yes, there are times people will be offended at the truth, and there's not much we can do about that. We should, however, do our very best to speak the truth in love. Eph. 4:15

Having raised 7 children and having been a pastors wife for almost 32 years, I confess I've not always sent forth "sweet" water to those around me. Looking back on those times, I've usually found that it is because I have not spent enough time being close to my source for sweet water. If you struggle in this area as well, be quick and humble enough to apologize and work more on sending forth sweet water.

Our main source for sweet water is God's Word. We cannot go a day without it. We must hide it in our hearts, so that we are reminded often of it's words. We must allow ourselves to be ruled and filled with God's Word if we are going to send forth sweet water. Make it a goal to spend time each day in His precious Word. I've tried in more recent years to read more slowly and not move on in my reading, until I glean something from that days passage. When I haven't had enough time with my Savior, I know it on the first day; my family knows on the second, and usually the rest of the world knows it by the third!

Lester Rollof used to sing "Keep In Touch With Jesus, He will Keep You Sweet". Time spent alone in prayer with our Heavenly Father is imperative if we are going to send forth sweet water in this bitter world. Spend time in prayer daily! Talk to Him, as you go about your day. When worries, stress and care threaten to overtake your mind, talk to Him. Staying in touch with Him will not only strengthen you, but will also enable you to remain sweet. Always resort back to the source for sweet water!

When strangers "cut us off" in traffic, or cut in front of us at McDonalds, it is easy, as Americans especially, to claim our "rights", but are we sending forth sweet water? When a church members criticizes your husband or mistreats your child, do you respond with sweet water?

When our spouse is unkind or our children disappoint us, are we careful to send forth sweet water? It only takes a drop of strychnine to poison the well. Others will not want to drink of what we have to offer if we are sending forth bitter water. Keep going back to the source of sweet water again and again.

It's not an easy task to send forth sweet water on many occassions, yet, if we want to be an effective witness for Christ, we must do our best to remain close to the ultimate source of sweetness- the Lord Jesus Christ.

We may dress like a Christan, as we should. We may be one of the most faithful church members in our church. We may feed the poor. We may do all sorts of good works, which is a good thing, but if we do any of these with a bitter spirit, we may put a bitter taste in others mouths.

While raising my children, I've often said to them, "You can stand for right, but stand sweetly". There are obviously times for righteous indignation and standing boldly. It is possible though, to stand boldly and sweetly at the same time. Quite often we need the Lord's help and wisdom though in doing so. That is why it is so important to stay close to the source of sweetness. He is the source for everything we need!!

It's wrong to send forth sweet water to our neighbors, friends, and co-workers, then to go and spring forth bitter water to our families. Sometimes it is the hardest to speak sweetly to those closest to us, but with help from the source of sweetness, we can send forth sweet words, even in the most trying circumstances.

I'm speaking these words to myself, as much as I am to anybody. Let the world see us respond differently than those drinking from a bitter source. Act and react with sweet water. We can't control how others act, but we can control, or better yet, let the Holy Spirit control how we react!! This is only possible though when we stay close to that source of sweetness!! In this cruel, troubled, bitter world, everyone could use more sweetness. Stay close to the source of sweet water!!