Posts tagged Christian Service
The Napkin - Dianne McQueen

The table was furnished perfectly and then the servant would wait just outside of sight until the master had finished eating .The servant would not dare touch the table until the master was finished .Now if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table wipe his fingers, his mouth and clean his beard and would wad up the napkin and toss it on the plate. The servant would then know to clean the table for in those days the wadded up napkin mean't I'm done but if the master got up from the table and folded his napkin and laid it beside his plate the servant would not dare touch the napkin because the folded napkin meant I'm coming back.

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Hands Like My Saviour- Melissa Bingham

Each set of hands tells a very unique story, over the years gathering scars and marks that tell the stories of what those hands have been involved with. You can tell a lot about a person by their hands. A mechanic’s hands might be a little grease stained, and perhaps a little battered and bruised. A pianists’ hands will most likely be soft, and have long graceful fingers. A carpenter’s hands would most likely be rough and calloused from hours of working with the tools of the trade.

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