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Lessons Learned in Homeschooling - Charity Graber

Proverbs 6:22 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it

.I grew up being homeschooled and so did my husband. So when it came to schooling our own children there was no other option for us but to homeschool. I am going on my 10th year of homeschooling and let me share with you my heart. Ladies, I am still learning how this thing works. Last school year many of you were thrust into homeschooling and are looking at doing it again this next school year. I just wanted to maybe give you a little wisdom that I have learned through homeschooling my kids.

First of all, have a teachable spirit yourself. I am amazed at how much I have learned while homeschooling. Yes curriculum is needed, but when my kids are looking to me for wisdom and looking to me for answers, I have found that I needed to go back to my "Bible" for school lessons. Let God help you to grow as a mother so you can teach those precious children that are loaned to you.

Second, take it slow. I am not a patient person so this one is hard for me. I get irritated and grumpy when my kids move slow in getting their school work done. Mind you, they complete their daily tasks every day but sometimes they dawdle about getting it done. I am constantly reminding them to "just get it done". But really that is not a good approach to schooling. They need to be learning their work not just "getting it done" so we can get done with school. All kids learn at a different pace. They will eventually learn those math facts, spelling words or maybe even that foreign language they've been working on for years.

Third, demonstrate love in all areas. My youngest is so my "mini" me. She is a twin and was born at 27 weeks 4 days weighing 1 lb. 9 oz. Therefore she has had many complications in her 10 years of life. We have seen fluid on her brain, eye surgeries, toe walking, seizures, a 4 month stay in the hospital, medicines, anger issues, and emotional meltdowns everywhere. I always say if it is going to happen, it will happen to her.  She is not like her other siblings so what works for them does not work for her. I have found that "a soft answer turneth away wrath" in her case. Being angry and harsh with her will get me nowhere. But when I speak softly to her and show her love with a hug or a tender touch, she responds in the same way. Many times this summer, I will be working around the house and she will come up to me and just rub my back and give me a small hug. These little shows of affection are sweet and teach me to be kind and loving to her. I am praying I remember to incorporate this technique when it comes to school for all my kids. Remembering how much God loves and forgives me will help keep my focus right in dealing with my own children.

Fourth, remember to have fun. Keep school fun. Change things up a bit. Do school outside. Let them sit on the couch and do school. Watch a fun video together. Plan fun lunches together. Go on a picnic, a nature walk, play at the park. Bake cookies instead of math or science class. (Cooking uses fractions) Find an exercise video to do together. Teaching can be so rewarding. I still cannot believe that I have taught all four of my kids to read and play the piano. Children are like sponges. They just soak up knowledge. Something I have tried the last 2 years that has gotten good results is for every A the kids get in school they put a sticker on a piece of paper. When we reach 25 stickers, we do a fun activity together. We've gone bowling, done trampoline parks, ice cream sundaes, pizza and movie night to name just a few.

And last, keep God in your homeschool day. Have devotions together. Pray before your day begins. Pray for wisdom. Seek God's help each day. Yes, there will be rough days ahead. Yes, there may even be tears and days of just throwing in the towel. But start the next day fresh and new. To quote a famous teacher from a book, "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it". (Anne of Green Gables dear Miss. Stacey) Remember with everything there is a season. Your children will not be little for long. The years go so quickly. If you get the opportunity to homeschool this year, use every moment to teach, love, encourage, train and don't forget to do a little learning yourself.

Ephesians 4:31-32 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.