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Just A Reminder.. - Jane Colvin

Are Post It Notes your best friend? Pretty sure they are mine….I sure do use a lot of them. Or how about the alarm setting on your phone? I really like this option to remind me of things I might otherwise forget! As I get older I do tend to forget things. A reminder is so very helpful. 

The Word of God is a constant reminder to us as Christians as we read it each day. A few weeks ago, I was listening to the book of Jude being read. Jude 22 is always a good reminder. “And of some have compassion, making a difference.” Will I make a difference in the life of someone today? I think about this so often—making a difference. Someone made a difference in your life. Someone made a difference in my life. One of my mentors, Loretta Walker, claims Jude 22 as her life verse. She made a difference in my life and showed compassion to me. My pastor and his wife, Daniel and Cindy Woodward, have also made a difference in my life. You see, all of us were not always where we are today in our Christian walk, our appearance, or manners. When I walked through the doors of First Baptist Church as a twelve year old girl, I needed some help. I was lost, shy, and didn’t really know much about God or the Bible. Many folks took the time to nurture me in the ways of the Lord. 

I have been in church for almost thirty-five years, so surely I have arrived and know all there is to know--quite the contrary! You and I still have so much the Lord wants to teach us. How do we view those visitors that come to church that are in the same position that we were once in? It could be a matter of Heaven or Hell for some that I come in contact with, and how I treat them. How about the precious children and teenagers that ride our buses to learn about Christ? Do you ever think about the Senior Saints in your congregation or the single mom that is barely making it? Wait! What about those you love so dearly within the four walls of your own home. How can I be a blessing to them? How can I make a difference? Where are those Post it Notes? I need a reminder today—each and every day to take the time to make a difference.

Recently I read an article from the Christian Womanhood magazine (which is a great publication for women!) written by a pastor’s wife that once was a bus rider. This article quickly caught my attention. When this young lady came to church, she was not the best dressed, most lovable child. She was loved by many, but she also mentioned that some “Godly Christians” looked upon her with disdain. This upset me! It caused me to evaluate how I treat all of my Senior High Girls that I teach in Sunday school as well as my rowdy four and five year olds in Primary Church. Who do I think I am when I treat one of these that God loves so much with any less love than what He showed me? The Bible still says, “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Eph. 4:32

Think about how many folks made a difference in your life. It doesn’t take much and can cost very little…a compliment, a kind word, a quick note, a small gift, or a listening ear. I love to see people’s faces light up and a smile spread across their face as I try to make a difference. Let’s not get too busy and wrapped up in our own lives that we stop making a difference. Set that alarm and remember to make a difference in someone’s life today!