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God Knows - Rebecca Graham

My name is Rebecca Graham. I am the pastor's wife at Arnold Baptist Tabernacle in Arnold Missouri. My husband's name is Blaine Graham. We have two beautiful children named Kinsley and Kolby. I truly enjoy working alongside of my husband in the ministry. My husband was a youth pastor / assistant pastor for 7 years until God called him to pastor at ABT last November. If I can, I would like to share a little from my heart today. My life's verses are Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. These verses have really become more real than ever in my life. This past year has had its ups and downs for sure, but yet it has been a tremendous blessing to me as well. You see, Last summer, we had to face something that many people have faced before. And that, was when I had a miscarriage. We were devastated, but hopeful and trusting that God had a plan. Fast forward to Thanksgiving of last year where we found out we were expecting yet again! We were so excited, but also naturally a little nervous with everything that had happened before, but we decided to trust God anyway. We had gone to our first ultrasound and saw our baby on the screen, moving, strong heartbeat... We could breathe!! We thought we were past the scary part. 2 weeks later, I'm having another ultrasound because they couldn't find the heartbeat, and I'm told my baby is no longer living... I delivered our sweet baby 2 weeks later. So many things raced through my mind as I held that sweet baby. Excitement- the fact that God allowed me to see and hold my precious baby. It was an answer to prayer. Sorrow- missing out on all the special moments. But then, something that stuck out to me the most in that moment.......was trust. God knew! He knew everything that would take place, before it even happened. How amazing is that?! It's hard for me to even understand it all, but he does! It's so easy to ask all the questions: what if? What would life be like had these things not happened? And ultimately... Why? But, none of that matters, because God knows and He has a perfect plan for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. God has our best interest in mind. Regardless of what you've been through or are going through at this moment, Christian, you can rest in the fact that God knows all about it, and he cares for you. 1Peter 5:7 says Casting all your care upon Him; for he careth for you. Are you fully trusting God with your life? Do you rely on him all the time or just when things are going "your way"? Living a life for the Lord is truly the best life. When we fully trust the Lord with every aspect of our lives, we can have a peace that covers any amount of pain, sorrow, frustration... You name it! Isaiah 26:3 says Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Put your trust fully in God. Choose Joy over sorrow, and watch all the blessings flow into your life.