Crave the Potter's Wheel - Jennifer Smith

“ someone who knew what it was to trust God once said; “ during the last two years though I have said little about them, I have had many a crevice open up before me. The ice has seemed to split asunder and I have looked down into the blue depths. It is a glorious thing to have a big trouble, The great Atlantic billow, that takes you off your feet and sweep you right out to sea, and lets you sink down into the depths, into old ocean’s lowest caverns, till you get to the foundation of the mountains, and there see God, and then come up again to tell what a great God He is, and how graciously he delivers His people. “
Life is to be just hard enough to bring out the heroic! I should go across battlefields and into twisting storms that I may have an experience of the father’s care, protection and glorious deliverance. I am to share in the tremendous experiences of the great! Only when Christ open ear to the storm did he open thine ear to the stillness.
George Matheson
By Springs in the Valley

This year has seemed like none other year I have experienced. Through all the trials and struggles One thing has remained, God’s Constant and continual faithfulness!
One valley in particular that comes to mind I knew I had to go deeper into the crevice before God would deliver. Psalm 138:8 is and was my verse for those difficult days. God is not concerned with our comfort but with our character. The molding process of character is a painful one but a much needed one. So many times the only way up is down in our hearts. Praise God we serve a faithful God who brings us along. When Satan is fighting is when God will do the biggest work. If we don’t learn to crave the potter’s wheel we will never experience the greatness of His working in our hearts. Only when we are broken will we see Him work in a mighty way. He will deliver! In my own personal experience this past year I saw God do miraculous things in my life. And one thing I know is that God loves brokenness and full trust in Him.

Psalm 138:8
“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me, thy mercy O Lord, endureth forever. Forsake not the works of thine own hands.”

Amy Sapp