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Your Ways Are Higher Than Mine - Anita Kelly

Isaiah 55:8-9

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts

Hello 2021- WOOHOO! Now, everyone stand up and do a little happy dance cause we made it through 2020! If you are anything like me you are gladly standing tall, waving goodbye to 2020, and bidding it a big farewell. Most of us probably started out the year using the theme "20/20 Vision", and asking God to grant us 20/20 vision in the year 2020. I know I did. However, I think we can all agree that the year 2020 looked nothing like we thought it would.

I am sure if we made a list of the "lows" of 2020, our lists would resemble (a pandemic, turmoil in our country, the election, so many deaths, church loss, etc), but at the same time we would each have our own additions that would differ from anyone else's list ( loneliness, fear, discouragement, personal loss, financial loss, etc.). These would include hard and difficult times that only WE experienced. As our hearts cried out to Him, it seemed at times like God just disappeared (though in our hearts we knew that He didn't). In my case, I truly believe God answered my prayer for that "20/20 Vision in 2020".

I experienced every single one of these things mentioned above, and more. So much so, that when something odd happened, I would just toss my hands up and respond, " Why not...its 2020"! I'm sure that we all have at some point or another this year. So why would God allow so many of these difficult things to happen? This is definitely not what I had in mind when I truly begged God to give me that 20/20 vision, but I do believe it IS what I needed.

The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines 20/20 vision as:"good vision : the ability to see without glasses". In other words, the ability to see without extra help. When begging God for that 20/20 vision, I was actually begging Him to help me see without the help me see as He sees. However, in my case at least, I had no idea what that entailed and I most definitely was not prepared for it. Our scripture today explains clearly what I am trying to express. Isaiah 55:8-9: "8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

When it truly comes down to it, I don't understand why God had to use a pandemic of such magnitude to get our attention, but "His ways are higher than mine". I don’t understand why so many friends had to die and many at such a young age , but "His ways are higher than mine". I dont understand why our country has been divided and torn to shreds, but "His ways are higher than mine". I don’t understand why we have experienced an election like none other, but "His ways are higher than mine". I don’t understand why our churches were shut down for months, and suffered so much loss financially and spiritually, but "His ways are higher than mine". I don’t understand why ( you fill in the blank), BUT His ways are STILL higher than mine. I'm sure we could all sit here for hours and fill in that blank with a different experience from this past year that we just cannot understand, but each time we do we come back to the fact that "His ways are higher than mine". I see the hurt, the difficulty, the pain - just a small portion of the whole picture - but He sees the entire canvas. He sees what I can't. He sees it all "without glasses".

Bottom line, my "2020" vision is completely dependent upon His 20/20 vision. I am human, and my vision will never be 20/20 without Him. He IS that 20/20 vision. What has the year 2020 done for me? It has made me completely and wholly dependent upon Him. It has brought me to the realization that having "20/20" vision means allowing Him to do what is necessary to accomplish what I cannot see. Why? Because in the end, " And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." ~ Roman's 8:28

I'd like to close with the lyrics to a song written by Rachel McCutcheon that has been my theme song for 2020, and I will carry over into 2021.

"Your Ways Are Higher Than Mine" by Rachel McCutcheon

1. It's not what I prayed for.

It's not what I wanted.

It's not something that I understand.

My circumstances seem so confusing.

I'm placing it all in Your hands.

2. One day I'm sure I will look back. and marvel at how you knew best all along.

You see from Heaven,

You know it's the hard times

That make my faith steady and strong.


Your ways are higher than mine.

I want mountains to move;

You want me to climb.

So I'm gonna' trust Your work, Your will, and Your time.

Your ways are higher than mine.


When I start to doubt, Help me believe,

Somewhere, so far above me...


Your ways are higher than mine.

I want mountains to move;

You want me to climb.

So I'm gonna' trust Your work, Your will, and Your time.

Your ways are higher than mine.