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Trust in the Lord - Barbara Mock

A few months ago I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. The diagnosis came as a  surprise as no one in our family ever had it. Although not life-threatening, the disease is and will  continue to be life-altering. The “what about? what abouts?”set in. I have given my condition  to God for whatever He wants to do with me. My doctor referred to my Parkinson’s diagnosis  as “later in life onset.” In fact, the day this article is due to come out, September 5, is my 75th  birthday. Therefore, I may not live long enough for the symptoms to get real bad. So, instead of  saying”why me?” I say “why not me?” I am not a young mother with small children. Of the  many side effects of my medicine is a desire to spend money! So, now I can blame it on the  pill. [LOL] 

Bro. Hyles used to say “all men are my teachers.” Therefore, what I have learned is a  compilation of preaching, Sunday school lessons, school lessons, life experiences, parental  instruction, and other godly examples. Mrs. Marlene Evans’ advice was to stay teachable.  Never outgrow learning. 

Bro. Hyles encouraged us to choose a hymn or song for the day. Music soothes your  heart, mind and soul. All of Majesty Music by Ron and Shelly Hamilton and family is excellent.  “My Hope is Jesus,” “Rejoice in the Lord,” ”Lord I need You” and “Bow the Knee” really speak  to my heart. Some of my other favorites include “Great IsThy Faithfulness”(I can still hear my  Grammy singing it], “Count Your Blessings,” “It is Well With My Soul,” “Day ByDay,” “God is  Always Good and God is Always Right” and “God Wants to Hear You Sing.”  

My former boss,Dr. Don Boyd said, “The solution to any problem is more Bible reading  [large print helps], soul winning [go door to door while you still can], and prayer [kneel while  you’re still able]. If you look up Rachel Wojo Scripture writing on Pinterest, you will find many  topics each of which has a different Scripture for every day of the month. They are great for  writing, reading and memorizing. Her website is I haven’t read her books, so I  don’t know if they are KJV. The daily Scriptures are just references. 

II Chronicles 20:12c says,”Neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.”  Keep your chin up and your eyes on Him. Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,  whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Psalm 61:2b says, “When my  heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the  LORD “with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways  acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”Psalm 71:9, “Cast me not off in the time of old  age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.” Read also Romans 8:18. 

I thank God for my wonderful, caring, praying husband for the last 52 years, who is my  best friend. He is always looking ahead for what I might need, and I am very grateful. I am  also thankful for supportive family, friends and our godly pastor, Bro. John Wilkerson at First  Baptist Church in Hammond. 

May God receive all the glory and honor for what He has done and is going to do.