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Romeo & Juliet - Kelly Gray

Nature has a way of teaching us many lessons about life. One of my morning rituals is sitting on my back porch spending time with the Lord before my day gets started. This ritual always brings with it the combination of the beautiful East Texas morning, creation, and the love of God. Last week, I once again found myself on the back porch spending time with the Lord. However, this time two hummingbirds showed up to join me. I sat very still as I watched them hovering over the feeder. My 29 year-old special needs son, RG, was sitting that morning with me as we watched the two hummingbirds enjoying the feeder. RG and I decided those two hummingbirds needed names, so we named them Romeo and Juliet (we hope they are male and female). RG and I enjoyed watching Romeo and Juliet as they furiously flapped their wings, quickly darting around the sky with a seeming purpose for every movement. While observing these two, God taught me several lessons that I would love to share with you. While these creatures are small, the speed with which they flap their wings creates a humming sound - thus their name hummingbirds. Some time ago, I placed a feeder on our back porch along with some plants and furniture. Sitting there watching those hummingbirds, I realized they were attracted to our back porch because of how we decorated it. Here are several of the things we did that became an attraction to them: 1. We provided a clean hummingbird feeder for their nutrition. 2. We surrounded the feeder with plants that also give nutrition, such as honeysuckle and brightly colored flowers. 3. We made sure the feeder was not only clean, but that it had nutrients that strengthen the hummingbirds. The way the hummingbirds are attracted to our back porch is the same I find myself attracted to the Lord - wanting to go back to Him on a regular basis. 1. I am attracted to the Lord because of His holiness and purity. I know that every time I interact with the Lord, I am going to come away with a pure heart, mind, and soul, thus making me more like Him. 2. I am attracted to the Lord because of the blessings He has brought into my life. The more time I spend with the Lord, the more I am amazed at how my eyes are opened to the wonderful things God has given me: my husband, children, grandchildren, friends, church family, and so much more. 3. I am attracted to the Word of God because It is always right on time in my world that is, at times, falling apart. It is amazing to me how the Lord has set aside exactly the verse or two I needed at the exact moment I needed them, even though I may not have needed them the day before. I don’t always feel as energetic as Romeo and Juliet do every morning. I really have to work at it some days. However, I know that just like Romeo and Juliet made a difference in my life that morning, I too, can and should, make a difference in others’ lives after spending time with God. The other day we were out to eat, and all the greeter said to me was, “Follow me.” I tried to be upbeat and ask her how her day was going. She said, “Ok.” I could not get her to smile or anything. I enjoyed the food, but the service could have been a little more compelling to entice me to come back. I started thinking to myself, “What kind of Christian would I be if I acted like that?” Would people who crossed my path want to come with me to church, or even want to be a Christian? The food was great, but the service was not. This is our Christian life - our doctrine (food) is great, but how is our service (attitude)? Bob and I are empty nesters, even though there are three of us. RG, our special needs son, needs me to be upbeat and happy. My husband, who is a dad, “GrandBob”, boss, pastor, along with many other hats and responsibilities, needs me to be encouraging. I have to really work at it most days and purposely remind myself of what God has done for me, and that I am blessed. Psalms 71:8, “Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and thy honor all the day long.” Psalms 5:3, “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, Oh Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up.” I have noticed since I put my hummingbird feeder out that we now we have four hummingbirds. Sometimes I forget how much influence I have over my immediate world. I must keep going to the Lord to get the sustenance I need to put a smile on my face and a renewed joy in my heart. Only then can I influence my family and friends to spend time with the Lord.