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Pearls for God - Dawn Hamm

I remember a time years ago when my Husband surprised me with a beautiful string of pearls on Christmas morning, as I held the pearls in my hands he turned to me and said “you are my gem, my pearl and I treasure you, I wanted to get you something that would remind you of that every time you see them” as you can imagine those pearls have become precious to me, because of who gave them, because of the sacrifice of the one who gave them, and because of what they represent. Every time I think of a pearl I can’t help but be reminded of the unique journey each pearl takes to become that shining gem. A natural pearl begins its story inside an oyster shell, it starts with a struggle or as some call it an irritant, a tiny grain of sand, bit of food, or small piece of shell from the ocean floor finds its way in-between the 2 layers of the oyster, as soon as this happens the oyster goes to work by covering this intruder with layer upon layer of nacre, a mineral substance that fashions the mollusk’s shells, also known to us as mother- of- pearl, it continues its task to coat this tiny irritant until it is completely covered with this coating and an iridescent gem is formed. In Matthew 13:45-46 we find the parable of the pearl. There are many lessons we can learn from God’s example of a pearl, just as the Church was formed from the redemptive act of Jesus at Calvary who bore our sins upon the cross, a pearl is formed out of suffering and it is only when we as “pearls” come to the end of ourselves that we can look up and see the beauty and love of a God who loves us and paid the ultimate price just to prove that love on Calvary. Pearls like people are a combination of things; it takes at least 3 materials to form a pearl; calcium, the irritant material, and the oyster’s saliva. The Church (Galatians 3:26-28, Romans 12:4-5 ) is made up of all kinds of people from different backgrounds, opinions, and differing talents but as born again believers we all have 1 thing in common, salvation by grace through Christ alone. Pearls when they are forming grow slowly, it can take an oyster 3 years to produce a beautiful pearl but when complete a pearl will reflect light. We as Christians should reflect God’s light, we are called to reflect the true light of the world – God, (John 8:12) the moment we get saved we should start and continue to grow and do so steadily the rest of our lives, aiming to be more like Christ today than we were yesterday and reflect the light of God to a watching world. They say “diamonds are a girl’s best friend” but in Matthew 13 it says “…one pearl of great price…” pearls are costly, valuable, and it takes many to make one necklace, but each pearl is unique and precious! The Church – the people was worth the treasure of Heaven to God! He paid the highest price, His beloved Son for us as pearls (John 3:16). A pearl is a picture of unity. Did you know that a pearl is the only gem that man cannot cut; a pearl cannot be divided without destroying it! Like the pearl, the Church, the Bible says in Romans 12:4-5 vs.5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. The body of Christ is one body with several members and when we work as one, God can do great things through His people, His Church, but when we are divided we lose our beauty and value for the Lord to the watching world so let’s remember we are to be united for the cause of Christ! Now that we have seen how precious pearls – people are to God, and how He wants us to live as a precious gem, united, growing spiritually and reflecting the light of God to others, and that for that light to reflect in our lives brightly sometimes we have to suffer/ struggle to be made beautiful for Him, let’s look at one last valuable lesson of the pearl and that is to be a “pearl seeker” for God. In Matthew 13:45 it says “…seeking goodly pearls:” God commands us to be “pearl seekers” in Mark 16:15, Luke 14:23 our purpose it to be a “soul seekers – pearl seekers” for God. The great commission isn’t a suggestion from our Lord it is a commandment! But we as Christians can get distracted with things going on in our lives, in the world around us and by our enemy the Devil, and that my Friend can be dangerous, we need to remember to be equipped with the armour of God taught in Ephesians 6. We also need to become proficient in recognizing the tools the Devil uses to snare us, just like a hunter setting a trap to snare the rabbit they hope to catch, the hunter prepares, studies, and then puts these things into action, they don’t just walk into an unknown field with a trap and hope a rabbit stops by to say hello. So we too need to study, prepare, and watch out for some things that would distract us from being a pearl reflecting God’s light, and being a “pearl-soul seeker” for God. We will never find the pearls for God if we are eyeing the “fish – others”. When we have our eyes on others, what they have, what they are doing/not doing, saying/not saying etc. we become distracted, discouraged, and disillusioned from finding the pearls for the Lord. We will not be good “pearl seekers” for God if we are always thinking about “scuba diving- possessions and pleasures of self” when we become consumed with the next best electronic, activity, house, social media, possession, pleasing others, being “I” centered, etc. we become distracted and complacent towards the things of God. The Devil is good about working to get us distracted and one of the biggest ways he works on us is through struggles and trials, we all have them in our lives at some point but we can choose how we react to them, either with our eyes focused on things of Christ, looking at them through the lens of eternity, or we can let them distract us. When we choose to be focused on the “sharks – the struggles” in our lives it makes us barren “pearl seekers” for God. When our eyes, our attention, time, and energy is focused on the trials/struggles we are going through it will hold our attention instead of the things of the Lord. Remember that often quoted verse Romans 8:28? Let’s choose to believe it and live like we do! It says “…and we know, that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Choose to make the choice each time a struggle or trial comes into your life to trust God knows what He is doing, He has His hand on each aspect of your life and He is working each struggle for your good, so give them over completely to God and leave them with Him, He can handle them! This year has been a different type of year for many people, fear is being taught and bought, and the world has become even more hostile toward things of the Lord, but hold fast to Gods hand and remembers God is still on His throne, everything is alright. Keep focused on why we are here to love God, to glorify Him, to seek precious souls for Christ. Our lives are given to seek pearls, it’s what we are called to do and stay focused on, so keep your eyes upward, be a pearl that reflects the light of our Lord, and keep seeking those pearls for Christ, showing them the road to Calvary and a God who gave everything just to prove His love to us, a God who is ready and willing to carry our heavy loads. Remember the only things that last are those that matter for eternity so take heart my Friend, and be the pearl seeker God wants you to be one reflective of His light!