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Our G.P.S. - Dominique Miller

Recently my husband and I took a trip to Lake Oswego, Oregon. Over the past 8 years, we have become very good friends with the man we are purchasing our church building from. Unfortunately, in 2020 this man's oldest son was diagnosed with cancer and passed away just before Christmas. 

Amazing testimony of this is that my husband had been impressed by the Holy Spirit to call this man, Mike Jr., just 20 days before cancer took his life. He did so and led him to the Lord! 

Mike Sr., the father, was so thankful that my husband helped his son secure his eternity that he asked my husband to "tell everyone at the funeral how you helped our son." Mike purchased our trip to attend the funeral in Oregon. (Due to covid, they had to do a memorial all these months later.)

Mike kindly gave us 3 days at the end of our trip to take some time and tour Oregon. In those three days, my husband and I traveled over 1,000 miles. We went from hiking to the peak of Mt. Hood (elevation 11,000+ feet) to driving the amazing Hwy 101 along the coast and walking the beautiful, although quite chilly, beaches. What a gorgeous state Oregon is!

One thing I can say is we were thankful for our G.P.S… Global Positioning System.

I mean this little device knows every highway, bi-way, back road, and footpath in any area you are in. It's almost impossible to get lost when you have a G.P.S. Using this little device for three straight days and a thousand miles sure made me thankful for technology!   

It also reminded me of a G.P.S. that knows every major road, foot trail, and path in my life. I think of it as God's Positioning System.

Here are a few observations I got from this thought:

1. God’s Positioning System will show me where I am, where I need to be, and the best route to get there. 

As humans, it is in our nature to want to be in control. I don't know about you but NOT being in control is almost a helpless feeling. In fact, it may be one of our biggest battles. 

I'm a planner! I want my day planned out, my week planned out, the next month planned out, even this year! So, not knowing what may get thrown into my lap tomorrow strikes a tinge of anxiety in my heart. I guess I want a crystal ball I can rub every morning that flashes what will happen in my day before it comes. God's GPS doesn't work like that. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

In 2013, my husband and I went to Israel. While at one of the touring areas, we saw small little oil lamps with straps on them. We were told when one was going to take a journey, they would strap the oil lamps onto their feet, so they could see when walking at night (which they usually did because walking during the day was too hot in the desert climate). The light from the oil lamps would give the person on the journey just enough light for their next step, just a few feet in front of them. I think I would want the world's largest flashlight, so I can see what's way up ahead! I want to know where the potholes are, any wild critters that may jump out at me, any mountains I have to climb… can you tell I'm impatient?! Do you know what this actually is? It's a lack of FAITH. Faith says, "Lord, I trust you with my day. I know, no matter what comes into my life today, that you are always right and you are always good!" Remember the verse above? His plans are to prosper and not harm!

Psalm 16 was written at a time of uncertainty and upheaval in David's life. Saul was in pursuit of his life, even though he had done nothing wrong against him. I am sure he wondered at times why this was happening to him. His own men told him he should kill Saul when he came into the cave where they were hiding. Yet David knew it was not God's plan for him to take the kingdom in his own strength. 

David chose to trust God alone, no matter the circumstances, no matter the outcome. At the conclusion of Psalm 16, he pronounces… "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." I love it that David found joy at the end of this trial in his life!

At times, in our Christian walk, we come to a juncture, and we need to know the direction God has for us. At other times, the road may be filled with obstacles, littered with potholes, or tied up in construction. Just like David, we need to hear God's voice… trust His G.P.S. He reminds us in Psalms 32:8, "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye."

He will never lead us down the wrong route or leave us when the road gets rough. Although we may not always understand why God may steer us on a particular road, we can be confident that He knows how to get us safely to our final destination.

2. God’s Positioning System will "re-route" me when I get off the path.

Have you ever punched an address into your GPS, see the route, and then thought you knew a better way or shortcut? Maybe you just needed to stop for gas and so you went off route. What do you hear over and over again… "re-routing…re-routing…" You may actually have to end your route on your GPS and start it again once you get back onto the route. 

The understanding that God's plan is unchanging should be a comfort. He doesn't take shortcuts. I usually have a lot of ideas and plans in my head that don't always go the way I thought they should. We just cannot see the big picture and we want control of the direction our lives take. But so many times my plans don't work out exactly how I thought. Re-route!

What gives me comfort, is knowing that God's will is perfect. He is never indecisive! He never takes a wrong turn in my life. God is always directing me with his GPS – God Positioning System. It's up to me to follow the route He has mapped out for my day. 

God may want me to wait on an outcome. He may want me to take some action for a specific outcome, yet "in my own wisdom," I do the total opposite and then ask the age-old question of "What happened? God, where are you?' Proverbs 19:21, "There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand."

  • If the route in your life is unfamiliar to you, and you constantly feel that you are recalculating or re-routing — trust God's Positioning System.

  • If you don't see any way that this path is going to get you to your (notice, your destination, not God's) destination — trust God's Positioning System.  

  • God's system is far more accurate and reliable than those in your car or phone. He wants you to get to your destination - even more than you do. 

  • Don't stop in the process!  Allow God's Positioning System to direct you.  You may be closer than you think.

3. God’s Positioning System will get me safely to my final destination if I will just trust it and follow the directions God's Word gives to me. 

Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

God has a plan for your and my life. If we trusted the Lord the same way we trust our car's Global Positioning System, wouldn't life be far less complicated?? Psalm 37:23, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way."

God has mapped the way. He has scouted the trail. He has charted the course. He has already surveyed the scenery and knows the exact turns we should take. 

Start right where you are. Listen to His instruction and guidance. Right here, right now, you can begin to trust God's Positioning System. Not only will you get to your desired location, but you may actually enjoy the trip!