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I've Been Changed and I am NOT Changing! - Allison Mooney

Have you ever heard someone say….I’M NOT CHANGING NO MATTER WHAT!! You can say and do whatever

you want but I’m sticking to my guns and I’M NOT CHANGING!!


Usually when someone speaks those words it’s regarding a conversation about someone being upset or accused of something of that nature and they lash out and say…. I DON’T CARE I’M NOT CHANGING!!

WELL….. I want to tell you that I’ve BEEN CHANGED AND I’M NOT CHANGING!!!


I Grew up in a big family of 6 siblings and we were taught the Mormon religion for about 5 years. We were very involved and thought that was the true religion …..the true way.

Fast forward to years later and a Godly women from across the street came over and invited us to her BAPTIST church,  I say Baptist for a reason. We decided to go, to that BAPTIST church. It was the first time we have ever heard about salvation through Jesus!!

We were all saved within a few weeks of attending there and left the Mormon church. I was only about 10.


I was saved and knew the Lord and grew up in the same church for years. When I became a teenager our Youth Pastor took us all to youth conference in Hammond Indiana and was there where I made deep commitments to the Lord and HE changed me.


I heard about living and dressing DIFFERENT and how that was what the Bible teaches. I never bucked from it because I felt if that is what the Bible teaches we should do it! Plus I had some great influences in my life and  in my church and I wanted to do what they did and be like them.

I then began to listen and learn from good preaching for many years. I learned that as Christians  we have a responsibility to love, reach others for Christ and do right and not to be a stumbling block. And I had that desire to do that and change, so I can influence others for HIM!!


Now years later as I am 58 years old I still have those same beliefs. I believed the Bible doesn’t change just because we do. And I believe if HE has CHANGED me through all these years for the better, why would I change???!


Wrong is wrong and right is right no matter who changes!!


Yes I am on Facebook and I see all the changes from what Christians who I watched all my life and it saddens me to see this. But, as for me…. I’m NOT CHANGING!!! I will continue to live a separated life and try to encourage other’s from the what the Bible teaches. 

I Pray for those who have changed…I pray and Love them right where they are (even when it’s hard to) BUT I’m NOT CHANGING and DON’T YOU change!!

Don’t ever change from what the Lord has given you. Stand up, be strong and watch others come to know HIM through YOU! It’s so easy to change but it takes someone strong to stand for right. YOU be that one!! Don’t give up! And take these words with you everyday….. I”VE BEEN CHAGED AND I’M NOT CHANGING!!

Love to all!!