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I Want Justice Now - Laurie Loveless

Matthew 5:43-48
I have been struggling (AGAIN) lately with people-Christians- who outright lie about us-my family. I know God says to love them, pray for them, turn the other cheek etc. But my heart wants justice now!! I want to see them put in their place for the evil they are causing. (In the current situation, it is a serious hindering testimony to some unsaved family members) My heart keeps mulling on it...steaming about it. It's THERE even if I am not actively thinking about it!! So I was reading in Matthew-AGAIN and talking to the Lord about it. "Lord, I just really want to obey but it seems physically impossible for me to let go. I Trust you Lord. I know you know best so why can't I just let things go??? Why can't I just give them to you and be done with it?? Why can't I just DO the right thing???"
Well, I was reading this passage in Matthew and talking to God about it, then I looked at my side note next to these verses that I wrote there: "vs 43-48: What if someone willingly chose to compromise?" (That is what has happened and now they are telling lies about our family because my husband, the preacher, stands on the Bible against the compromise they chose, causing division and discord) My note goes on: "Then your love goes from an active love to a passive love: They chose, so stop pursuing. Be polite, pray for them. Care about them in that you want what is best for them. Don't actively get involved but don't completely close the door should they repent one day. We have a responsibility to be distinctively different."
Well, there I have it. My answer. I also believe that in order to come to this place of obedience in my heart, I must obey it first- maybe over and over and over and maybe minute by minute as my thoughts try to turn to the justice I want to see NOW. I must choose to obey. I must choose to meditate on this truth. This takes self discipline and time but as I obey, I will see my heart change to what is in obedience to God. It takes work & time, however, sometimes in our day and age, we don't realize this because we are a fast everything, have it now, have it my way society. God doesn't work like that; real change takes effort and time.
Don't expect to have complete victory over your struggles with your thoughts right away. When I am in a frustrating situation, here is what I do when my wrong thoughts run away with me: I pray "God help me!!!" Then I try to pray for the person. I quote Scripture in my head. I sing to myself maybe something as simple as This Is The Day (whatever will distract me in a godly way). I do this until my mind is off the irritation. I do it whenever I need to get my attitude and thoughts back on track with what is pleasing to God. 2Co 10:5 KJV Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Never forget, God is glorified in the struggle because struggle means that yes, I am human but I am trying to please my Father in Heaven.