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High Maintenance or Low Maintenance - Dawn Weber

One year ago this July, we moved from our house of 28 years to a new house in a different

location. As we looked at properties, the realtors would mention that “this property has low

maintenance. The appliances are new. There is a service that cuts the grass and maintains your

yard.” The older homes usually were tagged as high maintenance meaning they needing more

upkeep, more work, more attention.

The first time I heard the phrase low maintenance, it reminded me of a lady in a church my

husband pastored. She said, “Oh, you don’t need to visit us or worry about us, we’re low

maintenance.” She meant that they would be faithful to church, give their tithe and missions,

help however they could.

When you think about maintenance, you think of upkeep, maintaining or preserving something.

A relationship is worth the maintenance it takes to preserve it and help it grow. We have many

relationships: wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. Do you maintain and preserve the

relationships in your life? Some phrases from God’s Word come to mind. In Genesis, He says a

wife should be a help meet for her husband. In Proverbs, we are reminded that a friend sticks

closer than a brother. Can you think of other verses about relationships?

Do those you have relationships with think you are low maintenance or high maintenance? Are

you focused on others or you? You might think that is a pretty judgmental question, but

Philippians 2:4 says, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things

of others.” This is a question only you can answer in your own heart.

More importantly, how would God describe me—am I low maintenance or high maintenance?

Am I faithful to walk with him, to worship and converse with Him in prayer? Do I live to

please him? Or, when I pray does He say, “What did you say your name was?” Just kidding.

Do you have time in your day and week when you worship Him for who he is? Or, do you

wonder why God doesn’t bless you like He does your friend? During testimony time, do you

thank the Lord for something then turn the focus from Him to you and what a good Christian

you are?

We live in a “selfie” generation where our culture puts the focus on me, mine and what I can get

for myself. Let’s work to not let the culture of our day-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes

and the pride of life (I John 2:16)—seep into our thinking. It makes us self-centered and high

maintenance. Let’s give the pre-eminence to the One who deserves all the praise and glory and

honor, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.