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Have Courage! Be Bold! Live Brave! - Amy Sapp

From Bible verses to words on our favorite coffee mug (who doesn’t love a cute coffee mug), we are told to be courageous! Women of Valor! BUT what we are not told, is exactly how to do that!

Where do we learn bravery? Who can teach us how to be bold in the face of fear? How do we figure out how to have courage?

Women in the Bible can offer us deep meaning and teach us! These women can teach us so much about-facing brokenness and hopelessness with courage even TODAY! They probably do not show up in VBS songs, or many Sunday School lessons. These women even today can teach us to live courageously, through difficult or even dangerous situations!


These ladies were Hebrew midwives, commanded by the evil king of Egypt to kill all of the Hebrew baby boys as soon as they were born. But because these ladies feared God and were courageous! He had set aside the Israelites for His greater purposes, they listened to the King of Kings instead of the King of Egypt. Instead of killing the Hebrew Children these ladies saved them.

What courage! Their choice was not just dangerous, but life threatening. Shiprah and Puah risked their own lifes to make sure the Hebrew baby boys were safe. They were willing to lay down their own lifes so that others could live!

Shiprah & Puah's belief in their God and mission, and the support they got from each other gave them strength! They were stronger together! TOGETHER they honored the Lord!


When the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, his partner in ministry, trying to encourage him. The first thing he mentions is Timothy's upbringing. Trying to encourage him to spread the gospel and lead the church. Paul goes back to Timothy's family. Paul seems to view Timothy as his spiritual son, he also realizes the great impact that Timothy's mother Eunice and his grandmother, Lois had in his life.

Paul mentions that these ladies taught Timothy scripture. (2 Tim 3:14-15). This was something he needed to lean on. Paul saw how deep Timothy's spiritual knowledge was and how solid his faith was. Paul notes that this is a direct result of Timothy's grandma and mom teaching him. They created in him a strong foundation in which God was able to use him to build a incredible ministry.

Lois & Eunice may not have led hundreds of people to the Lord. They may not have died for their faith or shared it with a large crowd of people. All we know for sure is that they taught Timothy to know and fear the Lord. They taught him their faith!


Abigail was the wife of a wicked man, Nabal. He was foolish and treated everyone harshly. When David's men asked Nabal for provisions, he turned them down, even with the kindness they had shown him. Hearing this, Abigail took action. She knew that her husband was foolish and David's wrath would come on her household. She gathered many gifts and brought them to David and asked for forgiveness, for her husbands actions.

Abigail wasn't only courageous, she was also wise. She knelt down before David asking for forgiveness. She took responsibility for her husband's bad response to David's men. Reassuring him that she was not home when the men came to ask for help. She also pointed out to David that his conscience would remain clear by avoiding a battle and bloodshed.

What would you do if someone around you behaved in a selfish or harmful manor? Or around someone that constantly was hurting someone? Or ignoring God's commands? Would you be BOLD and stand up for what is right? Would any of us follow Abigail's example of courageous kindness?

Abigail took incredible risks by offering help to David. She risked the wrath of her husband. She risked punishment from David. She knew that it was up to her to prevent what could have been a really bad battle, so she acted! Instead of fleeing or trying to change her husbands character. She stepped out in courage and dealt with the issue. She knew that blessing David and his men was the right thing to do! Her bravery led her to bless others and to save her household!

You may have forgotten these women! Or maybe you have never heard of them? But putting yourself in their shoes will allow you to walk through the hardest days with courage you need to lead, to love, to trust, and to turn to God in every situation. They are human just like us! Their stories will teach you how to lean into the Lord when your strength is not enough!