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Tiny Puppy - Jacqueline Palmani

Did you ever want something so bad, you started saving money for it? No, I did not pray for it first. (I was going to make it , myself, and I ) You've been there, right!?!
When my son Jack was 3 yrs old and my daughter Katelynn was 4 yrs old , I really started wanting a tiny breed dog.( That's why I didn't pray for it, because it wasn't anything spiritual or life or death..just a dog) For couple months, my kids picked up on my desire to have a tiny dog. When we had our family devotion and prayer time, we knelt beside our couch, and my kids started praying for their mommy to get a tiny dog. I got tickled that my kids started praying for a tiny dog for ME! We did teach our kids to pray even for the smallest things. Of course, I was thinking if I save enough money, then I'll be ready to buy a tiny dog.
A few weeks later, we were about to drop off our kids to the babysitter so we could go on church visitation, my husband gets a phone call (which he did not tell me at the time that someone was giving us a tiny breed dog). So we went on couple visits, and picked up the tiny puppy afterwards. I was SOOO excited! God gave us a tiny puppy! Friends were giving the puppy away because someone changed their mind in buying it from them. You know God did that! It wasn't just any dog, it was a full breed yorkie, a tiny puppy.
We picked up our kids from the babysitter and didn't tell our kids that there was a puppy on my lap sleeping in the blanket. We wanted to surprise them. We got our kids ready for bed, and we knelt by the couch to pray. Jack started to pray and when he got to "please help my mommy get a tiny dog..." I layed the puppy beside his bowed head. My son's eyes opened and got big when he stared at the puppy right in front of him and said "Mommy God gave us a puppy from heaven(as he looked up)!" My daughter was excited too! From my 3 yr old son, he literally thought when God answered his prayer, it dropped from heaven right then and there. I loved it! God answered my kids prayers and gave me my desire! It was a big answered to prayer because yorkie breed of a dog are not cheap. It would have taken me awhile to save money for it.
*** What my Heavenly Father reminded me...
#1....that He is quite capable of answering our small and big wants or desires even when it's just in our thoughts, and even if its just a pet.
Ps. 139:1-2 O Lord, thou hast searched me , and known me,
Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. teach your children to pray ( they may pray for you when you don't pray for yourself), and it shows God is real to them.
Matt.21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Our Heavenly Father desires to give us blessings FROM HEAVEN!! When He does, PRAISE Him! Ps. 150:2..Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him for His excellent greatness.
My kids are older now...still today, when I see my older but tiny yorkie, I tell my Heavenly Father Thank you for my puppy from heaven!