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Faith in Prayer - Jessica Smallwood

His name is Joseph. I first saw him walking through our quaint downtown square with a bundle of blankets tucked under his arm . He was obviously malnourished. His hair and beard  were unkempt and his skin bore the marks of weathering both the physical and spiritual storms of life. In my mind’s eye I immediately saw him as someone’s son, someone’s brother, perhaps, someone’s husband or father. My heart hurt for him. It was a short and simple prayer that I prayed that day, “Lord, show me how I could help someone like that.” The light turned green and I drove on.

One week later, I found myself grocery shopping in a store that I don’t often frequent with two of our boys in tow. With my list in hand, I was a mom on a mission ready to check my list and head home! Check, check, pause… there he stood. His dirty blankets tucked under his arm and a few dollars scrunched in his hand. I watched him for a moment as he scanned the drinks in the cooler. I quickly made my way to the deli case nearby, chose a sandwich and headed toward Joseph. “Excuse me, sir. Can I buy you lunch?” “Yes, ma’am,” he quietly replied. I told him to choose a drink  and then together we made our way to the check-out aisle. Closer to him now than the day I saw him from my car, I could see just how filthy he actually was. I introduced myself and asked him his name. “Joseph.” It was almost my turn to pay. I gave him a gospel tract and told him that God loves him very much. I paid for his lunch and he thanked me as we went our separate ways. God had heard my simple prayer.

Driving home that day, my mind and heart were both so full. My boys had seen up close a side of society that is hard to see and I had seen up close the God Who sees and hears my prayers. I don’t set out desiring to doubt God or live in disbelief of His Word. I desire to live a life of abundant faith in God and His promises, yet, “…he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.”(Psalm 103:14) He is merciful and gracious to open my eyes to behold wondrous things and in doing so my faith is strengthened in God and His promises. My trip to the grocery store that day has left me testifying of the truths that the Lord has plainly and boldly affirmed in my heart.

  • Friend, God does receive each care we cast upon Him in prayer. “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) We don’t have to look far to see the effects of a sin-cursed world. War, death, disease, famine, evil, depravity, homelessness…are not far beyond our grasps. Rather than wallowing in despair, we can choose to pray to the God of hope who is able to fill us with all joy and peace in believing, that we may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. (Romans 15:13) We can then live in abundant hope of how our all powerful God is able to protect and provide, restore and redeem. So rather than heap the burdens of life on our own fragile hearts, I was reminded that day to keep casting each care on my God who is ever ready to receive.

  • Friend, God sees you and knows every need you have. That day in the grocery store, I felt so completely seen by my Heavenly Father. God heard my prayer and directed my steps. God knew Joseph had a need and that I wanted to help. To know that God in his omniscience crossed our paths that day, overwhelms me with the power and love of God. God cared for Joseph’s need and He chose me to meet the need. Your need may be to be seen or to receive, both needs to which God responds, “…for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. (Matthew 6:8) What a personal God we pray to.

  • Friend, “Pray without ceasing.” (I Thessalonians 5:17) There is a narrative that continually plays in my mind. A narrative that must be guarded by, “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” (2 Corinthians 10:5) This narrative is a work in progress. On days when this progress begins to digress, I find myself unable to cease from worry, fear, regrets or self-focus. If you know how to play these thoughts on a loop then you know how to,“Pray without ceasing.” Worrying about Joseph won’t help him, but going to God by faith to pray for him entrusts his care to my God who can help him. Whether short and simple or long and complex, choose to turn each thought into a prayerful conversation with God.

  • Friend, God sees and hears and answers with the intent to strengthen your faith for the fight. Guard your prayer time diligently, for it is through prayer that God will show Himself mightily to increase our faith to follow in His steps. Acknowledge each distraction from prayer as a tactic of Satan to keep you from prayer and weaken your shield of faith. Keep pursuing prayer with fervency, flexibility and creativity! “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” (Ephesians 6:16)

I’ve seen Joseph many times since that day in the grocery store. He looks the same - homeless and most likely hungry. The lunch I bought him that day was simply that - one meal for one day that has come and gone. There are some that may label my act of kindness as all in vain, but there is significant truth that remains. My faith in prayer was increased that day and the Enemy’s fiery dart of doubt was quenched. Joseph was given “bread” for the day, both physically and spiritually. As a family, we continue to pray for Joseph; praying that the Gospel will bear fruit and that his life will be restored.  We pray to be ready to receive opportunities to serve like Jesus, the often overlooked and ignored. Most importantly, we pray. Keep praying, friend.